The complementary wellness therapy of Auricular Acupuncture combines the ancient practice of body acupuncture with the later findings by a French physician and his team in the 1950s. It uses fine sterile needles to stimulate points on the ear which correspond to other parts of the body, making it possible to treat both physical and mental health conditions.
What are the benefits of Auricular Acupuncture
Treatments target the energy QI (pronounced chee), which flows around the body along pathways, also known as ‘meridians’. The treatment is safe, simple and effective for many health issues from digestive and breathing difficulties to stress, anxiety and depression as well as menopausal concerns helping to restore the body’s balance. Auricular acupuncture (auriculartherapy) can focus on either the Chinese or Western approach.
Where is Auricular Acupuncture practised.
It is now offered as a treatment at Weavers’ House Spa at The Swan in Lavenham, Suffolk. Weavers’ Spa Director, Alex Hurt who has newly qualified as an Auricular Acupuncture Practitioner from the Yuan Traditional Chinese Medicine College said: “We are experiencing extreme difficulties in getting healthcare appointments with our doctors for ailments that can be supported by complementary therapies. This inspired me to see how we can support our clients further with auricular acupuncture.”
Sense of wellbeing
Although single treatments are available, for the best results Weavers’ recommend a course of six treatments or more, as each session has an accumulative effect on the body providing a sense of ‘wellbeing’ which leads to a high state of relaxation and calm.